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This package is an extended version that redesigned the old package UML/SysML Sample and added new functions. By using this package, it is now possible to achieve expressive power and editability on a par with UML/SysML tools in Next Design.

new function

  • The expressive power of UML diagrams and SysML diagrams has been improved, and the text display and text decoration in each diagram have been brought closer to the notation of UML and SysML.

    • Can express stereotypes.
    • Visibility and signatures of attributes and operations in class diagrams, and signatures of messages in sequence diagrams can be displayed and edited according to UML specifications.
    • Relevant end names and multiplicity can be expressed in relation to class diagrams and block definition diagrams.
    • You can display and edit the transition conditions and actions in the state machine diagram as text.
    • You can switch the range expressed in text by setting the diagram unit.
  • Changed the suggestion list when associating messages in sequence diagrams with operations.

    • You can also select the inheritance class of the destination lifeline type and the operation of the realization interface.
  • Ability to detect malformed models.

    • You can check whether a class is specified as the inheritance source of the interface.
    • You can check circular inheritance of classes.
    • You can check if there are any classes that inherit the final class.
  • Supported some elements that could not be defined in the old package UML/SysML Sample.

    • You can define data types and primitive types.
    • Define flow ends and connectors in activity diagrams.
    • You can define the nesting of internal block diagram parts.

Constraints lifted

  • Class diagram
    • Static/abstract attributes can now be expressed as text decorations on diagrams.
    • It is now possible to display/edit related end names and multiplicity on the diagram.
    • Attribute types/initial values, operation types/parameters, etc. can now be displayed/edited on the diagram.
  • Sequence Diagram
    • The operation from which the class is inherited can now be specified in the message.
  • State machine diagram
    • Triggers, guards, and effects can now be displayed/edited on the diagram.
  • layout drawing
    • Associated stereotypes (e.g. Deploy) can now be viewed/edited on diagrams.
  • Requirement diagram
    • Request ID can now be displayed/edited on the diagram.
  • Block definition diagram
    • It is now possible to display/edit related end names and multiplicity on the diagram.
  • Internal block diagram
    • It is now possible to display/edit related end names and multiplicity on the diagram.

Changes from old package

Metamodel changes

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1Cannot define data types or primitive types.You can define data types and primitive types.

Changes to UML diagrams

class diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).
2Displaying abstract classes is not supported.If it is an abstract class, the class name is displayed in italics (*2).
3Class/interface attributes display only the name.Visibility, type, etc. can be displayed/edited in class/interface attributes.
Static attributes are underlined.
4Operations on classes/interfaces display only the name.Visibility, parameters, etc. can be displayed/edited by operating the class/interface.
Abstract operations are displayed in italics (*2).
Static operations are underlined.
5Display icons on class/interface attributes/operations.Class/interface attributes/operations no longer show icons.
6Unable to express association end name or multiplicity of association between classes.You can display/edit the relationship end names and multiplicity of relationships between classes.

*1 About editing stereotypes

  • If you want to add a stereotype to an element with no stereotype set, you need to enter it from the property inspector.
  • Once entered, the labels on the diagram can be edited thereafter.

*2 Representation of abstract types

  • With the default font, the Japanese part in the text is not italicized.
  • If you want to display Japanese in italic, please change the font to support italic display.

Component diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).
2Realization relationships between components and interfaces cannot be defined.Realization relationships between components and interfaces can be defined.
3You cannot put an interface inside a component.You can put an interface inside a component.
4The ownership/aggregation relationship between classes cannot be expressed.Ownership/aggregation relationships between classes can be displayed/edited.
5Unable to express association end name or multiplicity of association between classes.You can display/edit the relationship end names and multiplicity of relationships between classes.

layout drawing

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).

Package diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).

Activity Diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).
2Flow end cannot be defined.You can define a flow end.
3The connector cannot be defined.You can define connectors.
4I can't see the name of the action's pin.You can view/edit the name of the action's pin.

Use Case Diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).

State Machine Diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).
2You cannot put a control state inside a state.You can place control states within states.
3Unable to edit the trigger on the label of the transition.You can view/edit triggers/guards/effects on transition labels.
4Unable to define submachine state.You can define submachine states by associating states with other
5Names of entry/exit points are not displayed.You can view/edit the name of the entry point/exit point.
6State behavior is not displayed.You can view/edit state behavior.
7A state machine diagram cannot be represented by a state transition table.A state machine diagram can be represented by a state transition table (state x trigger).

Sequence Diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1You cannot define arguments and return values ​​for messages.Arguments and return values ​​of the message can be displayed/edited.
2When associating a message with an operation, you can only select operations defined in the Destination Lifeline Type.When associating a message with an operation,

Changes to SysML diagrams

Block definition diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).
2Unable to express association end name or multiplicity of association between blocks.You can display/edit the relationship end names and multiplicity of relationships between blocks.

Internal block diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).
2Part nesting cannot be expressed.Part nesting can be defined.
You can connect the port of the external part and the port of the internal part with the connector of the delegate.

Package diagram

Please refer to UML package diagram.

Activity Diagram

See UML activity diagram.

Use case diagram

See UML use case diagram.

State machine diagram

See UML state machine diagram.

Sequence Diagram

See UML sequence diagram.

Requirement diagram

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1Request Id cannot be represented.The request ID can be displayed/edited (*3).

*3 About editing request ID

  • If you want to set a request Id to an element that does not have a request Id, you need to enter it from the Property Inspector.
  • Once entered, the labels on the diagram can be edited thereafter.

Parametric diagrams

No.UML/SysML Sample (old package)UML/SysML (new package)
1The stereotype cannot be expressed.The stereotype can be displayed/edited (*1).