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ProcessFlowDiagram Package


  • Samples and templates of process definition documents that can describe the process flow diagram (PFD) and the structure of workproducts.
  • All design data included in this sample is fictitious.
  • The samples are intended for the reference purposes only and we disclaim any warranty, whether express or implied, such as without limitation, marketability or fitness for a particular purpose.


Package contents

File NameCategoryDescription
PFD.iprojSample projectThis is a sample that defines an example of process definition.
PFD.iprotTemplatesA template that makes it easy to start writing process definitions, especially PFDs.
PFD.iprofProfileProcess definition profile. You can also import it into any project.

List of diagrams that can be described

  • The figure that can be described in this package is shown.
Process Flow DiagramYou can write a PFD. Workproducts You can define workproducts defined in the object genealogy as process inputs and outputs.
Requirement ModelYou can define requirements for processes.
Workproduct Structure DiagramYou can define workproducts. You can visualize the workproducts for each process and their relationship.
Workproduct Class DiagramYou can define the structure of an Workproduct. The contents to be described in the workproduct can be defined as classes and attributes.
Organization ChartAs part of the role definition, you can define relationships between roles.

Outline of model that can be described

  • You can organize any structure by adding packages in the model navigator.
  • You can add each diagram, process and workproduct under the package and describe the process definition.
    • The added element will be placed under the package or figure.
  • You can also define roles, guidelines, and workproduct templates to run the process.

Process flow



  • In the process flow, the process and its input/output workproducts can be defined graphically.
    • You can define processes, workproducts, workproduct set, roles, requirements and guidelines.
  • Drag and drop roles from the model navigator to add to the diagram to define who will be responsible for performing the process and who will be involved.
  • You can define the guidelines referenced by workproducts and processes by dragging and dropping guidelines from the Model Navigator to the diagram.


  • The numbers for processes and workproducts are not visible on the diagram. Check in the details view of the sub-editor.
  • Cannot represent a process with a hierarchical structure (double circle).
  • It is not possible to change the shape (symbol) according to the type of workproduct.
  • Triggers cannot be written.

Requirement model



  • Describe requirements for processes and workproducts.
    • Requirements can be subdivided and described in a hierarchical structure.
  • The requirements defined in the requirements model can be placed in the process flow diagram or the workproduct structure diagram.
    • By defining the relationship between requirements and processes and workproducts, you can define tracing with requirements.

Workproduct structure



  • You can define workproducts for each process. You can also define dependencies between workproducts.
    • You can define folders, workproduct, workproduct set, templates, guidelines and requirements.
  • You can also define the relationship between workproducts and templates by dragging and dropping the template model from the model navigator to the diagram.
  • You can also define the relationship between workproducts and requirements by dragging and dropping the requirement model from the model navigator to the diagram.

Workproduct class



  • You can define the structure of the workproduct defined in the product system. Classes and attributes allow you to define what you need to describe in your workproducts.
    • You can define workproducts, content, and requirements.
    • You can define relationships (derivation, ownership, inheritance, relationships) between workproducts and their content.
    • You can define the contents to be described in workproducts and contents with attributes.
  • You can also define the relationship between workproducts and content and requirements by dragging and dropping the request model from the model navigator to the diagram.


  • Since it is a simple diagram that uses the UML class diagram notation, it does not support the strict notation based on the UML standard.
    • You cannot define basic class attributes such as stereotypes and abstract types.
    • Only a limited number of relationships can be defined between classes.

Common definition

Role definition and Organization Chart


  • You can define roles and their responsibilities.
  • As Organization Chart, you can define the relationship between teams (organizations) and roles.
    • You can define members (roles) and teams (organizations).
    • You can define relationships (dependencies, inheritance) between members.

Guideline list


  • You can define the guidelines that workproducts and processes refer to.
  • The guidelines defined in the guideline list can also be placed in Process Flow Diagram and Workproduct Structure Diagram.
    • By defining relationships with processes and workproducts, you can illustrate which guidelines each should refer to.

Template list


  • You can define workproduct templates.
  • Templates defined in the template list can also be placed in Workproduct Structure Diagram.
    • By defining the relationship with the workproducts, you can illustrate which template should be used.

Code list


  • You can define the code for the process.
    • Define and use an arbitrary identification code such as a process.