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You can now seamlessly design while switching between state machine diagrams and state transition tables. Please refer to this page for detailed usage of state machine diagram and state transition table.

New function

Added a state transition table that works in conjunction with the state machine diagram.

Supports state transition table

Added state transition table view on state machine diagrams . The state machine diagram and state transition table can be edited by switching views. Charts and tables update in real time.
update in real time

Intuitive and speedy operability

You can easily add states and triggers from the state transition table toolbar and menu. In addition to directly editing the text of triggers and status cells, you can also intuitively edit them in a variety of ways, such as selecting from a list and copying and pasting.
Intuitive and speedy operability

Design without omissions

You can set Ignore or NotHappen as a trigger for the state, so you can check that the design is complete.
Design without omissions

Highlighting and filtering

You can highlight cells with transitions and hiding transitions without triggers.
highlighting and filtering

Export to Excel

The state transition table can be exported to Excel for secondary use.

Changes from V2.0



  • Added TriggerRelationship classe between Vertex class and Trigger class.
  • Added tagged values to state machine diagram related classes and fields.

View definition

  • Added the view definition of the StateTransitionTable to the StateMachine class.


Metamodel changes

Add related class

  • UML.Core package
    • Trigger class
      • Added Vertexes field. A field that dereferences the Vertex class in the newly added TriggerRelationship related class.
  • UML.Behaviors.StateMachines package
    • Vertex class
      • Added Triggers field. A field that references the Trigger class in the newly added TriggerRelationship related class.
    • Added TriggerRelationship related classes. A related class that references the Trigger class from the Vertex class.

Add tag

  • UML.Core package
    • Behavior class
      • Added OwnedTrigger tag to OwnedTrigger field
    • Trigger class
      • Add Trigger tag to class
      • Add EventSource tag to EventSource field
      • Added Transition tag to Transition field
      • Add Vertexes tag to Vertexes field
  • UML.Behaviors.StateMachines package
    • StateMachine class
      • Add StateMachine tag to class
      • Add State tag to State field
      • Add InitialState tag to InitialState field
      • Add HistoryState tag to HistoryState field
      • Add FinalState tag to FinalState field
      • Add ControlState tag to ControlState field
      • Add SubMachineState tag to SubMachineState field
    • Vertex class
      • Add Vertex tag to class
      • Add Next tag to Next field
      • Add Previous tag to Previous field
      • Add Targets tag to Targets field
      • Add Sources tag to Sources field
      • Add Triggers tag to Triggers field
    • State class
      • Add State tag to class
      • Add SubStates tag to SubStates field
      • Add InitialState tag to InitialState field
      • Add HistoryState tag to HistoryState field
      • Add FinalState tag to FinalState field
      • Add ControlState tag to ControlState field
      • Add EntryPoint tag to EntryPoint field
      • Added ExitPoint tag to ExitPoint field
      • Add Entry tag to Entry field
      • Add EntryBehavior tag to EntryBehavior field
      • Add DoActivity tag to DoActivity field
      • Add DoActivityBehavior tag to DoActivityBehavior field
      • Added Exit tag to Exit field
      • Add ExitBehavior tag to ExitBehavior field
      • Add Trigger tag to Trigger field
      • Add SubMachine tag to SubMachine field
    • Pseudostate class
      • Add Pseudostate tag to class
    • FinalState class
      • Add FinalState tag to class
    • InitialState class
      • Add InitialState tag to class
    • HistoryState class
      • Add HistoryState tag to class
      • Add HistoryKind tag to HistoryKind field
    • ControlState class
      • Add ControlState tag to class
    • ChoiceState class
      • Add ChoiceState tag to class
    • JunctionState class
      • Add JunctionState tag to class
    • ForkState class
      • Add ForkState tag to class
    • JoinState class
      • Add JoinState tag to class
    • EntryPoint class
      • Add EntryPoint tag to class
    • ExitPoint class
      • Add ExitPoint tag to class
    • Transition class
      • Add Transition tag to class
      • Added TransitionKind tag to TransitionKind field
      • Add Guard tag to Guard field
      • Add Effect tag to Effect field
      • Add EffectBehavior tag to EffectBehavior field
      • Add Trigger tag to Trigger field
    • TransitionToTrigger related classes
      • Add TransitionToTrigger tag to class
    • ReferenceSubMachine related classes
      • Add ReferenceSubMachine tag to class
    • StateRelationship related classes
      • Add StateRelationship tag to class
      • Add Kind tag to Kind field
    • TriggerRelationship related classes
      • Add TriggerRelationship tag to class
      • Add Kind tag to Kind field
  • UML.Behaviors.StateMachines.Links package
    • StateMachineOwner class
      • Add StateMachineOwner tag to class
      • Add StateMachines tag to StateMachines field

View definition changes

Add view definition for state transition table

  • UML.Behaviors.StateMachines package
    • StateMachine class
      • Add view definition of NextDesign.StateTransitionTable to class

Restrictions when migrating from V2.0


Restrictions for migrating from V2.0 to V2.1 are as follows.

1The UML/SysML profile package [UML/SysML] has never been deleted (*1)(*2)If you have made the changes on the left, data migration cannot be started.
2The package name of the UML/SysML profile must not be changed from UMLSysML (*3)If you have made the changes on the left, data migration cannot be started.
3The UML/SysML profile package [UML/SysML] must be placed directly under the root package (*2)If it is not placed directly under the root package, data migration cannot be started.
4Do not delete the classes and fields in the state machine diagram (*1)If you make the changes on the left, the migration will succeed, but the new features of V2.1 may not work.
5Do not add fields with specific names to specific classes in the state machine diagramIf you make the changes on the left, the migration will succeed, but the new features of V2.1 may not work .
6Do not add a class with a specific name to a specific package in the state machine diagramIf you make the changes on the left, the migration will succeed, but the new features of V2.1 may not work .
7You have not added a specific tagged value to the class field of the state machine diagramIf you make the changes on the left, the value of the tagged value will be overwritten with True.
8A view definition whose name is StateTransitionTable or whose display name is State Transition Table has not been added to the state machine diagram classIf you make the changes on the left, a view definition with the same name is added. and it becomes difficult to distinguish between them.

(*1): Even if a deleted package class field is re-added with the same name or attribute, it will be treated as another package class field. Therefore, if you delete it even once, it will not work properly.
(*2): UML/SysML profile package [UML/SysML] is the display name in V2.0. In V1.1, the package [modeling] is the equivalent package.
(*3): The UML/SysML profile package name [UMLSysML] is the name in V2.0. In V1.1, set it to [Modeling].


The details of the restrictions shown in the outline above are as follows. The number in square brackets indicates which item in the table shown in the overview above corresponds.

  • UML/SysML package
    • You have never removed any packages. [No.1]
    • You have not changed the package name from UMLSysML. (When migrating from V1.1, do not change from Modeling.) [No.2]
    • Place this package directly under the root package. [No.3]
  • UML/SysML.UML.Core package
    • Behavior class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Behavior to the class. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the OwnedTrigger field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is OwnedTrigger to the field. [No.7]
    • Trigger class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Trigger to the class. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the EventSource field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is EventSource in the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the Transition field. [No.4] And do not add a tagged value whose key name is Transition to the field. [No.7]
      • You have not added a field named Vertexes. [No.5]
  • UML/SysML.UML.Behaviors.StateMachines package
    • StateMachine class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is StateMachine to the class. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the State field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is State to the field. [No.7]
      • Never remove the InitialState field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is InitialState to the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the HistoryState field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is HistoryState to the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the FinalState field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is FinalState to the field. [No.7]
      • Never remove the ControlState field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is ControlState to the field. [No.7]
      • Never remove the SubMachineState field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is SubMachineState to the field. [No.7]
      • You have not added a view definition whose name is StateTransitionTable or whose display name is State Transition Table. [No.8]
    • Vertex class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Vertex to the class. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the Next field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Next in the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the Previous field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Previous to the field. [No.7]
      • Never deleted the Targets field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Targets to the field. [No.7]
      • Never deleted the Sources field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Sources to the field. [No.7]
      • You have not added a field with the name Triggers. [No.5]
      • You have not added a class named TriggerRelationship to the package to which the Vertex class belongs. [No.6]
    • State class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is State to the class. [No.7]
      • Never deleted the SubStates field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is SubStates to the field. [No.7]
      • Never remove the InitialState field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is InitialState to the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the HistoryState field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is HistoryState to the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the FinalState field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is FinalState to the field. [No.7]
      • Never remove the ControlState field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is ControlState to the field. [No.7]
      • Never remove the EntryPoint field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is EntryPoint to the field. [No.7]
      • Never remove the ExitPoint field. [No.4] And do not add a tagged value whose key name is ExitPoint to the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted an Entry field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Entry to the field. [No.7]
      • Never deleted the EntryBehavior field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is EntryBehavior to the field. [No.7]
      • Never deleted the DoActivity field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is DoActivity to the field. [No.7]
      • Never deleted the DoActivityBehavior field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is DoActivityBehavior to the field. [No.7]
      • Never remove the Exit field. [No.4] And do not add a tagged value whose key name is Exit to the field. [No.7]
      • Never deleted the ExitBehavior field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is ExitBehavior in the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the Trigger field. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Trigger in the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the SubMachine field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is SubMachine to the field. [No.7]
    • Pseudostate class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Pseudostate to the class. [No.7]
    • FinalState class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is FinalState to the class. [No.7]
    • InitialState class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is InitialState to the class. [No.7]
    • HistoryState class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is HistoryState to the class. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the HistoryKind field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is HistoryKind to the field. [No.7]
    • ControlState class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is ControlState to the class. [No.7]
    • ChoiceState class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is ChoiceState to the class. [No.7]
    • JunctionState class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is JunctionState to the class. [No.7]
    • ForkState class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is ForkState to the class. [No.7]
    • JoinState class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is JoinState to the class. [No.7]
    • EntryPoint class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is EntryPoint to the class. [No.7]
    • ExitPoint class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And do not add a tagged value whose key name is ExitPoint to the class. [No.7]
    • Transition class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And do not add a tagged value whose key name is Transition to the class. [No.7]
      • Never remove the TransitionKind field. [No.4] And do not add a tagged value whose key name is TransitionKind to the field. [No.7]
      • Never remove the Guard field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Guard to the field. [No.7]
      • Never deleted the Effect field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Effect to the field. [No.7]
      • Never deleted the EffectBehavior field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is EffectBehavior to the field. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the Trigger field. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is Trigger in the field. [No.7]
    • TransitionToTrigger related classes
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is TransitionToTrigger to the class. [No.7]
    • ReferenceSubMachine related classes
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is ReferenceSubMachine to the class. [No.7]
    • StateRelationship related classes
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is StateRelationship to the class. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the Kind field. [No.4] And do not add a tagged value whose key name is Kind to the field. [No.7]
  • UML/SysML.UML.Behaviors.StateMachines.Links package
    • StateMachineOwner class
      • Never deleted a class. [No.4] And you have not added a tagged value whose key name is StateMachineOwner to the class. [No.7]
      • You have never deleted the StateMachines field. [No.4] AND you have not added a tagged value whose key name is StateMachines to the field. [No.7]