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I want to use my own icon instead of the built-in icon

Next Design comes standard with a variety of icons, but you can use your own icons in addition to the built-in icons.

Operating procedure

To set your own icon for an entity in your metamodel definition, do the following:

Set your own icon

Operation procedure
  1. Select the target model or entity by one of the following steps.
    • Select a model in the model editor.
    • Select a model in the model navigator.
    • Select an entity in the Profile Navigator.
    • Select an entity in the class diagram of the metamodel definition.
  2. Click the View> Pane> Inspector toggle button on the ribbon to display the Inspector, then select the Metamodel tab in the tabs at the top of the Inspector.
  3. On the Metamodel tab of the Inspector, click the Select Icon button from the Class group to open the Select icon dialog.
  4. Select the Custom tab at the top of the dialog and click the + icon at the bottom to open the Icon registration dialog.
  5. Select the image file 1 to be used for the icon and click the [Open] button to add it as an available icon to the icon list on the [Custom] tab.
  6. Select the added icon and press the [OK] button to switch the entity and model icons to the icons of the selected image.

  1. Supported image file formats are PNG, SVG, GIF, BMP, JPEG.