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ndmerge merge command


ndmerge merge --Merge the specified Next Design files together.


Specify the target and merge.

ndmerge merge [-o |--own <PATH>] [-b |--base <PATH>] [-t |--other <PATH>] [-m |--merged <PATH>] [-p |--path <PATH>] [-l |--log-level <LEVEL>] [-a |--auto <TARGET>] [-f |--force-merge] [-s |--merge-strategy <STRATEGY>]

Check the command help.

ndmerge merge [-? |-h |--help]


Shows options for the ndmerge merge command.

Merge options

  • -o |--own <PATH> (required)
    • Specify your own file for diff/merge.
  • -b |--base <PATH> (required)
    • Specify the base file for diff/merge.
  • -t |--other <PATH> (required)
    • Specify the file to be merged/merged.
  • -m |--merged <PATH> (required)
    • Specify the output destination file of the merge result.
  • -p |--path <PATH> (optional)
    • Specify the file to be merged.
  • -l |--log-level <LEVEL> (optional)
    • Specify the log output level.
    • You can specify the following for LEVEL.
      • error --error
      • warn --Warning
      • info --Information
      • none-None
    • The initial value is warn.
  • -a |--auto <TARGET> (optional: preview function)
    • If it can be merged, it will be merged normally, and when a conflict is detected, the value specified by TARGET will be preferentially adopted. However, consistency is not guaranteed.
    • You can specify the following for TARGET.
      • own --Prioritize your own changes.
      • other --Priority is given to the change of the other party.
  • -f |--force-merge (optional: preview function)
    • If it can be merged, it will be merged normally, and when a conflict is detected, the conflicting elements and values will return to the base state. However, consistency is not guaranteed.
    • If -a |--auto is specified, that is prioritized.
  • -s |--merge-strategy <STRATEGY> (optional: preview function)
    • Switch the merge strategy.
    • You can specify the following for STRATEGY.
      • 1.0-Normal merge. Detects and displays the errors described in Errors due to merge.
      • 1.1-Unlike 1.0, you can now merge profile and sequence diagram changes. However, consistency is not guaranteed.
    • The initial value is 1.0.

Single option

  • -? |-h |--help
    • A list of available commands and options is output.

Example of use

  • Merges the data between the specified model files. If an error such as a conflict occurs, the merge process will be canceled.

    ndmerge merge -o xx/projectX/models/Component-A.nmdl -b yy/projectX/models/Component-A.nmdl -t zz/projectX/models/Component-A.nmdl -m mm/projectX/models/Component -A.nmdl
  • Preferentially merge the value of the current branch (own). The merge process will continue even if an error such as a conflict occurs. This is a preview feature.

    ndmerge merge -o xx/projectX/models/Component-A.nmdl -b yy/projectX/models/Component-A.nmdl -t zz/projectX/models/Component-A.nmdl -m mm/projectX/models/Component -A.nmdl -a own