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ndmerge diff command


ndmerge diff --Compares the differences between the specified Next Design files.


Specify the target and compare the differences.

ndmerge diff [-o |--own <PATH>] [-b |--base <PATH>] [-t |--other <PATH>] [-l |--leg-level <LEVEL>]

Check the command help.

ndmerge diff [-? |-h |--help]


Shows options for the ndmerge diff command.

Diff options

  • -o |--own <PATH> (required)
    • Specify its own file of diffs.
  • -b |--base <PATH> (required)
    • Specify the base file for the diff.
  • -t |--other <PATH> (required)
    • Specify the file of the other party of the difference.
  • -l |--log-level <LEVEL> (optional)
    • Specify the log output level.
    • You can specify the following for LEVEL.
      • error --error
      • warn --Warning
      • info --Information
      • none-None
    • The initial value is warn.

Single option

  • -? |-h |--help
    • A list of available commands and options is output.

Example of use

  • Compares the data differences between the specified model files.

    ndmerge diff -o xx/projectX/models/Component-A.nmdl -b yy/projectX/models/Component-A.nmdl -t zz/projectX/models/Component-A.nmdl