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  • By defining a command and associating it with the command handler implemented in the extension, you can call your own processing from the extension point of the ribbon.
  • You can specify the model selection state, model class, and target view definition as command enable/disable conditions.

Command details

1 2 3

  • Properties

    idAn ID that uniquely identifies the command. Unique string for all deployed extensionsID stringRequired
    titleCommand title 1Arbitrary string-
    descriptionCommand description 1Arbitrary string-
    groupThe group to which the command belongs 1A string representing the group name-
    execFuncCommand handler name implemented at the entry pointString representing function/method nameRequired
    canExecWhenCommand valid condition. Details are as shown in the lower propertiesObject-
    canExecWhen.uiStateOne of the following values that represents the state of the UI:
    Always: Always enabled (default property default).
    ProjectOpened: Valid when the project is open.
    ModelSelected: Valid when a model is selected.
    ModelSelectedInEditor: Valid when a model is selected on the editor.
    "Always", "ProjectOpened", "ModelSelected", "ModelSelectedInEditor"-
    canExecWhen.profilesTarget project profile nameCharacter string representing the profile name-
    canExecWhen.metamodelsThe class name of the selected model, or the class name from which it is inherited. If you specify * as the value or omit the property, it is valid for all models. Ignored if the uiState property is anything other than ModelSelected, ModelSelectedInEditor."*" Or a string that represents the class name. If there are multiple, specify them separated by commas.-
    canExecWhen.viewDefinitionsTarget view definition name. If you specify * as the value or omit the property, it is valid in all view definitions. Ignored if the uiState property is anything other than ModelSelectedInEditor."*" Or a string that represents the view definition name. If there are multiple, specify them separated by commas.-
    canExecFuncFunction name that evaluates the validity condition of the command. 2 If it is set at the same time as canExecWhen, this will be prioritized. However, functions configured only with .NET DLL-style extensions are evaluated. 3Character string representing function name/method name-

Command definition example

"extensionPoints": {

"name": "codegen",
"title": "Generate Source Code"

"id": "myExtension.generateCode",
"title": "Generate Code",
"description": "generate code description",
"group": "codegen",
"execFunc": "GenerateCode",
"uiState": "ModelSelected",
"metamodels": "FunctionalComponent, Component",
"viewDefinitions": "*"
"id": "myExtension.checkError",
"execFunc": "CheckError"

Command handler implementation example

public void GenerateCode (ICommandContext commandContext, ICommandParams commandParams)
//Command handler implementation code

Example of using command parameters

When you run the commands defined in the manifest extension point from inside the extension, you can specify parameters.

void ExcecSomeCommands ()
//Generate parameters
var execParams = App.CreateCommandParams ();
execParams.AddParam ("value1"); //Value can be referenced with execParams [0]
execParams.AddParam ("value2"); //Value can be referenced with execParams [1]
//execParams.AddParamWithName ("param1", "value1"); //Value can be referenced with execParams ["param1"]
//execParams.AddParamWithName ("param2", "value2"); //Value can be referenced with execParams ["param2"]

//Execute the command by specifying the parameter
App.ExecuteCommand ("otherExtension.someCommand", execParams);

  1. In the current version, it does not affect the operation of the extension and is not displayed.
  2. The function signatures that can be set for canExecFunc are: bool function-name (ICommandContext context, ICommandParams parameters). If the configured function is not found, it evaluates to false.
  3. Always evaluates to true if canExecFunc is set in a scripted extension. Only set canExecWhen for scripted extensions.