How to install #ExtensionPoints ExtensionPoints can be added using the NuGet package in the following ways:
Use Visual Studio project template
Using a project template makes creating a project with Extension Points very simple. This method is recommended when creating a new project. For information on how to install project templates, see Project Templates.
Select `Next Design Extension (Extension Points)" from the Visual Studio Create New Project dialog.
Add a package reference from Visual Studio
Select your project's Dependencies from the Visual Studio Solution Explorer and run Manage NuGet Packages from the context menu.
Make sure the package source is
, type NextDesign
on the Reference tab and search for it. The package for NextDesign.Desktop.ExtensionPoints
will be displayed, so install it.
Add a package reference on the command line
You can also install it by going to the project directory on the command line and running the following command:
C:\Projects\MyExtension> NuGet Install NextDesign.Desktop.ExtensionPoints