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How to install #ExtensionPoints ExtensionPoints can be added using the NuGet package in the following ways:

Use Visual Studio project template

Using a project template makes creating a project with Extension Points very simple. This method is recommended when creating a new project. For information on how to install project templates, see Project Templates.

Select `Next Design Extension (Extension Points)" from the Visual Studio Create New Project dialog.

Add a package reference from Visual Studio

Select your project's Dependencies from the Visual Studio Solution Explorer and run Manage NuGet Packages from the context menu.

Make sure the package source is, type NextDesign on the Reference tab and search for it. The package for NextDesign.Desktop.ExtensionPoints will be displayed, so install it.

Add a package reference on the command line

You can also install it by going to the project directory on the command line and running the following command:

C:\Projects\MyExtension> NuGet Install NextDesign.Desktop.ExtensionPoints