IModel.RemoveFieldAt method

Namespace: NextDesign.Core


Removes the field value at the specified position of this instance. If the specified field is the owning field, delete the model at the specified position. If the specified field is a reference field, then only the reference association at the specified position is deleted and the model is retained.


Name Type Description
fieldName string Field name
Null or empty string cannot be specified.
index int Position
Specify the index where the start position is 0.

Return value

  • void


Name Exception Class Description
Invalid argument ExtensionArgumentException When null or empty string is specified in fieldName
Field not found ExtensionFieldNotFoundException If the specified field is not found in this instance's metaclass
Illegal field access ExtensionIllegalFieldAccessException When this method is executed for a field with a maximum multiplicity of 1
Incorrect index range ExtensionOutOfRangeException If a negative number is specified for index
, or if a value greater than the number of elements in the corresponding field is specified for index
Illegal operation ExtensionInvalidOperationException When an inoperable field is specified in the field name
-Product line feature assignment field
-Field with System.Core tag