IInfoDisplayStyle.SetStyleSets method

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Set the display style on the view.

The style specified by this method is effective only on the diagram. Also, even if you update the style being applied on the view of the application, it will not be reflected in the view display in real time (it will be reflected at the next application).


Name Type Description
viewName string Name of the view definition to which the style is applied.
If null or an empty string is specified, all view definitions are applied.
styleValues IDictionary < string, string > A combination of display style name and its value
Please refer to the annotation for the details of the specification method.

Return value

  • void


The "styleValues" argument allows you to specify a style by combining the display style name and its value as follows:

Next Key-Value combination dictionary object. - Key: Display style name that can be applied on the view If a style name that does not correspond to the view is specified, that setting will be ignored. - Value: Valid value for the style name

Examples of display style names and valid values. - Color names such as "ForeColor" ... "Blue" - Color names such as "BackColor" ... "Red" - Color name such as "BorderColor" ... "Red" - A string that represents a Double value such as "BorderThickness" ... "1.5" - "LineStyle" ... "Solid", "Dot", "Dash", DashDot "," DashDotDot "

For details on valid Color names, refer to the following URL. https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/dotnet/api/system.windows.media.colors?view=netframework-4.6.2 ARGB value such as "# FF0000FF" can be specified instead of the Color name.