ICommandParams interface

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Provides command parameters.

Affiliation area

Name Description
Command APIs to access the commands received by the command handler.

Affiliation event area

Name Description
Command Notify the execution of the command.


Name Description
Item [int] Gets the value at the specified index.
Item [string] Gets the value associated with the specified key.


Name Description
AddParam Add a value object to the parameter.
AddParamWithName Adds a named value to the parameter.
GetByIndex Gets the value of the specified parameter by index.
GetByName Gets the value of the specified parameter by the parameter name.
ToArray Converts the parameter contents into an object array.
ToCollection Converts the parameter contents into an object collection.


The value of each element of the command parameter can also be obtained by specifying the index or the parameter name as follows.

//Get the parameter value by index
object param0 = commandParams [0];

//Get the value of the parameter by specifying the parameter name
object param1 = commandParams ["param1"];